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  • SheaStyle

A window into my mind

The Power of Letting Go...

Sometimes clarity comes when you take the time to step back, breathe, and refocus. I believe that we need to take the time to strip the soul of all the things that are weighing it down, to release the negative energies in our heart, and purge the unneeded thoughts in our mind. It's within the power of letting go of valueless items that our vision becomes clearer for what truly matters. We become so engulfed in holding on, we forget the power of letting go, & getting back to moments of simplicity. It is hard to break away from our normality, but when we are able to, we have a deeper connection of who we are. We often take the time to go on vacation to rejuvenate our mind and body; but we forget that sometimes we need to take a vacation for our spirit, for our soul, and for our heart. Sometimes all you need is a simple day of being by yourself. Listen to your mind when it is angry, hear your heart when it is sad, and heal them both by taking the time to understand what they need & what they need to release. Within that process, you'll find an empowering sense of freedom and a greater purpose of where your life needs to be.


Purrfect View

Some of life's greatest lessons, come from the most unexpected places

This is a rarity. Dewey and Squirt never cuddle, in fact they are usually found getting on each other's nerves, pummeling one or the other to the ground or pulling tufts of hair out of each other's fur. It's a love hate relationship that they have, but this shows that through all of the differences, love is always possible!



Celebrating Great Music

It blows me away to think that humanity still deals with the same issues that we always have. People are not accepted for who they are; they are continuously judged for who they love, what they look like and for all the things that make them unique. Instead of embracing what makes each one of us different, we are quick to point out those things that don't make us the same. It is not until we learn to be united in our differences, that we will even understand what love is. 'Boy Erased' was an amazing movie and while it infuriated me, it made me realize even more that people deserve to be themselves, whatever that entails. To be anything less is an injustice to them and humankind altogether.

"I came to therapy thinking that sexuality didn't matter, but it turned out that every part of my personality was intimately connected. Cutting one piece damaged the rest."--Garrard Conley (Author of Boy Erased)

While this blog seems to touch on some pretty deep topics this week, I want you to remember to always be YOU! Celebrate what makes you different from the rest of us. How boring would this life be if we were all the same. Don't just celebrate what makes you different, embrace those things that make us all different. If we turned the "I don't like that about you" to the "I love this about you" we will start to see all the things that each and everyone of us holds, instead of the things we might not have. We are all searching for acceptance; if we learn to open our minds, our hearts and be more kind, you won't just be accepted, we will all be accepted and to me, I think that is what life is all about.





Life Itself

"Life brings you to your knees. It brings you lower than you think you can go. But if you stand back up and move forward, if you go just a little further, you will always find love."
My family was gone this Sunday and I took the opportunity to watch some movies that they might not exactly want to see. Thank you Heather for the recommendation of the movie 'Life Itself'...while at times it was a little dark, I loved the message that it delivered. Life is hard, it, itself can get very dark, but don't give up because love will always be there waiting for you, you just have to have the courage to keep moving forward.

Photo Credit: Compounding Courage Website

Compounding Courage...

Sometimes we find things in ourselves when we have the courage to do the things we never thought that we could do. I started writing more and chasing my dreams more because I attended a workshop hosted by Compounding Courage that popped up onto my Facebook feed. I went to that event looking for answers and what I got were more questions; why am I not doing the things I want to do? what is preventing me from becoming my best self? Who are the people that have impacted my life? We don't grow from answers, we grow from the things within in us and around us that make us question what is stopping us from becoming everything we were meant to be. It is within those questions that we can decipher who it is that we want to become. So incredibly grateful for that workshop and the people that created this little slice of Heaven. Without them, I would not be doing this. Go check them out, you will not be disappointed! I hope that it unlocks questions in you that leads you to the destination you were always supposed to arrive to!



My name is Kelly and I am overweight. I workout hard and sometimes, I eat even harder. I am trying to find the perfect balance, but what is that balance anyways? Yep, it's more calories out than calories in; it's more days of eating "clean" than days of eating "crappy"...blah,blah,blah.

When I look in the mirror, do I see an overweight person, actually no. Certain pictures will bring me down (a glimpse in the gym mirror, might make me question it), but for the most part, I love who I am. You might see an overweight person and maybe you might even call me fat, but you obviously don't know anything about me because the way I look doesn't even come close to the person that I am.

I say all of this because it has taken me 41 years to accept the person that I am, to love the person that I am and to be proud of the person that I turned into. Does that mean that I am going to stop where I am, no, it means I am going to keep diving into making myself better, happier and healthier.

I made a vision board for 2019 (thank you Compounding Courage) and one of the things on it was to lose weight. I have been every size in my life and I thought happiness was in the number on the scale. I didn't understand that to truly be happy, you needed to be happy on the inside first because no matter how you looked on the outside, if you weren't happy on the inside, nothing else would matter. I'm finally happy on the inside and ready to focus on the outside, not to get to a certain number or size, but to become a healthier me.

I've decided (going forward) to take this section of the blog and let you in on my trials and tribulations of me trying to find balance. If you want to see perfection, skip past this because you will not find it here. What you will find is a person that gets frustrated, has fun and sometimes succeeds at weight loss goals. I know that I am not the only one that struggles in this area and hopefully within my journey, I can help someone succeed in theirs.

So, next week I will start the adventure of diving into Shea, fitness, food and fun. You will learn my likes, my dislikes, what works and probably more of what doesn't. I'd like to say this is a judge free zone, but to be honest, I'll probably be judging myself too at times. So judge, laugh, learn and have fun reading how I grow, without growing (think about it, you'll get it).

First up, how I will be more like Oprah (a little teaser for you...)


" You see, he says to the girl, you closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to make other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too-even when you're in the dark. Even when you are falling."--Tuesdays with Morrie

Nothing Butta love for you all!

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