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  • SheaStyle

Be Kind and Love Hard!

Many times when we think about ourselves we have a very hard time coming up with anything good to say. We create stories in our head of what others may think of us or how they might view us. We instantly go to the worst thoughts and start to let the negativity control our minds. As it consumes us, we slowly start to lose control of our self-worth and begin to drown in our feelings of not being enough.

I know that I have been here several times. Fabricating stories in my head and spiraling down a deep hole of not being pretty enough, thin enough, nice enough, worthy enough, etc. of other’s affections or approval. I thought I was a failure. I thought I didn’t deserve the love of those that loved me. To be honest it is something I’ve gotten better at but haven’t quite perfected. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and a couple conversations that I have had with those that I care about have really spun my mind into overdrive.

Failure, whatever that word means to you, is not a place of existence. There is no pass or fail in life, there is only growth. We are all “fed” and “watered” differently, so my growth will not look the same as your growth. The expectations and limitations that we put on ourselves is what will propel us forward or keep us spinning and there is no magic word or motion that will make us believe in all the talents and beauty that we hold until we truly believe in what lies within us.

How we view ourselves is how we view others. If we are critical of ourselves, we are critical of others. If we love ourselves, we find the love around us and within others. If I am being truthful, I believe we all have a little negativity, at times, when it comes to not only ourselves but to those around us. There are times I am not kind to myself, there are times when I am not kind to others. There are times when I love the crap out of myself, there are times I love the crap out of others. For me, sometimes it’s the latter more and unfortunately, sometimes it’s not.

In order to love others more, we need to learn how to love ourselves more. We can not open our hearts and love others without expectations if we are putting expectations on ourselves. By being critical, unloving and hard on the people that we are, we are opening the door to be that way to others and allowing them to be that way to us. We are all amazing Humans and we are wrapped and packaged very differently. What each of us has to offer is unique and extraordinary. When we take the time to be loving, kind and nourish not only ourselves, but to those we come in contact with, our hearts, this World becomes a whole lot better.

Pay attention to your mind and the thoughts that consume it. Be mindful of how the negativity of what you are thinking and feeling affects not only you, but those around you. We all have the opportunity to change the world, but sometimes that requires us to be aware of the thoughts and feelings we are having and learn to change them for the better. Growth is a constant motion of redirection, it's not always an upward move, but each redirection takes us to a new level of learning. It's not easy to find the good and sometimes it's hidden very well, but I promise you it's there. Growth requires the good, the bad and everything in between, but the thing growth needs the most is a whole lot of love.

Be kind to you. Love you. The World is counting on it!

Nothing (Shea) Butta Love for you all!!knowMany times when we think about ourselves we have a very hard time coming up with anything good to say. We create stories in our head of what others may ow they might view us. We instantly go to the worst thoughts and start to let the negativity control our minds. As it consumes our us, we slowly start to lose control of our self-worth and slowly drown in our feelings of not being enough. I know that I have been here several times. Fabricating stories in my head and spiraling down a deep hole of not being pretty enough, thin enough, nice enough, worthy enough, etc. of other’s affections or approval. I thought I was a failure. I thought I didn’t deserve the love of those that loved me. To be honest it is something I’ve gotten better at but haven’t quite perfected. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and a couple conversations that I have had with those that I care about have really spun my mind into overdrive. Failure, whatever that word means to you, is not a place of existence. There is no pass or fail in life, there is only growth. We are all “fed” and “watered” differently, so my growth will not look the same as your growth. The expectations and limitations that we put on ourselves is what will propel us forward or keep us spinning and there is no magic word or motion that will make us believe in all the talents and beauty that we hold until we truly believe in what lies within us. I believe how we view ourselves is how we view others. If we are critical of ourselves we are critical of others. If we love ourselves, we find the love around us. If I am being truthful, I believe we all have a little of this in all of us. There are times I am not kind to myself, there are times when I am not kind to others. There are times when I love the crap out of myself, there are times I love the crap out of others. For me, sometimes it’s the latter more and unfortunately sometimes it’s no

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