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  • SheaStyle

Change is a Powerful Word

Who would have thought that when I created my vision board almost 6 months ago and made "CHANGE" to be my

word for 2020, that it would in fact be what the World was about to do too. I have had many thoughts going on in my head during this "National Pandemic", but for the first time in my life, I decided, that instead of speaking my heart, I was going to take this time to listen to it.

I'd like to say that I created a masterpiece, took up a new hobby, lost 10 pounds, gained 20, but none of that happened (well maybe some of it happened). What I did do, is learn the importance of existing, cherishing and understanding the little things I too often take for granted. I'm what most would describe as a "people" person, in fact I had several of my friends check on me to ensure that I was doing okay with the lack of interaction and quietness that I seem to be showing and my response most of the time was "I was just enjoying the rare moments of my family being under the same roof at the same time".

Too often in life we get caught in the hustle and bustle of filled calendars, time crunches and the constant hopping from one social event to the other, that we don't take the time to sit down, relax and truly enjoy the ride. Quarantine means something different to each and everyone of us. Some of us have found what we have been missing, some of us found that we missed more what we could no longer do, many of us found connections we had lost, strengthened what we always knew we couldn't live without and learned to let go of things we found we no longer needed.

Change happened to each and everyone of us whether we wanted it to or not and we all will come out of this with a new mind set, a different vision and a greater insight to what we want out of our lives. There have been many times when I have wished for a second chance, longed to start over or maybe a clearer view of where I was headed, while it isn't ideal, that is in fact what most of have received.

I've missed blogging and writing, but in a time where the World was requesting that we be "still and listen" that is exactly what I decided to do. I believe that words are put into our hearts to speak and when the words are lacking that is our time to become, grow and feel the love that we are surrounded by. Sometimes within the silence we find the words.

So whatever your view is on this National Pandemic, I hope that you let it teach you something. I hope you saw the helpers instead of the haters. I hope you found the hope instead of the limitations. I hope you found the love and I hope it allowed you to be the love. I hope within the worst, you found the best. Above else, I hope that while the ride was stopped, you took a moment, looked around and saw all the beauty you are surrounded by. It's time to get back on, buckle up and start again; hopefully this time with a new set of eyes.

CHANGE, who would have thought putting one simple word on a piece of cardboard would open up a whole new world. I know I sure didn't, but I will be extra mindful when I pick out my word for 2021 :)


Nothing (Shea) Butta Love for you all!!

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