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  • SheaStyle

Coming out of my shell to be more like Oprah

What? I can't hear you over my ego

Have you ever had someone give you advice or constructive criticism and instead of using that as an opportunity to grow, you turned that situation into defending your actions and/or character? It's human nature to get defensive, to put our guard up when we feel threatened and nothing is more threatening than when someone is offering opportunities for us to change. I am a lot like a turtle, happy, go lucky, a little slow at times, but the moment someone starts offering me ways to grow or possibly change, I retract back to my shell. I am learning, slowly (maybe I am more like a turtle than I thought), that when someone offers suggestions on how to better myself, I need to listen instead of speak. I need to take those words not as attacks on my character, but ways in which I can continue to grow and build my character up. Too often I listen with the intent to defend, but when doing so, I miss out on opportunities to grow. Practice listening, really pay attention to what someone is telling you. I am not saying everyone is looking out for your best interest, but if it's a loved one, take the time to really pay attention to what they are saying. Hear them, listen to them and find ways to grow because of what they are telling you. You're an amazing human, you don't need to defend the person that you are, but you do deserve to keep growing into the amazing human you were always meant to be. Sometimes that growth requires your ears, not your "fists".


Purrfect View

Spring has sprung

Spring has certainly got Dewey thinking about his beach body! If only we all couldn't look this cute with fur in tow and belly out!



Celebrating Great Music

For those that know me really well, know how much I love Pink. So of course this week I am showcasing her new single! She is simply amazing! So talented and a great human altogether. This song has been on heavy rotation in both my office and in my car. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

"My definition of freedom is knowing who you are, and then being it, no matter what any one else is doing."--Pink



What's your excuse? What is it that you want to do in life? What is preventing you from doing it? Chances are it's not your surroundings or other people that are stopping you from doing the things you always wanted to do, chances are it's you that's stopping you dead in your tracks. Excuses, we all got them, but it's what you do despite them that defines the person that you are and the person that you ultimately want to be.



Photo Credit to website in description

Foodie at heart and by the looks of my body

As a Mother, I know how hard it is to find good recipes that everyone enjoys. I will start featuring a few of my family's favorites each week and hopefully it can help add a few more recipes to your family favorites.

First up are these amazing bars! I called them protein bars, but after the third one, in a row (still working on balance), decided that might be false advertisement. Anyways, my whole family enjoys them and if you stick to the recipe (don't add the whole bag of chocolate chips may or may not have done that instead of the 1/2 cup it suggests) it might be a great healthy snack for all.

Photo Credit: website in description

Main Course

This is my absolute favorite meal of all time, oh yeah and my family likes it too! I make this, with some mashed potatoes, stuffing, scalloped corn, buns (yeah, I don't do anything simple) and have Thanksgiving any day of the year! You can make this as healthy or unhealthy as you want it, but I promise it will be a hit no matter how you make it!

Image from Grant County Humane Society

Don't Paws Your Love

My dream is to one day own an island where I can rescue all the animals that need a home and we all can live happily ever after. One of the best things I have ever done is rescue an animal! I can't even begin to explain how happy my heart is and how filled it gets each and every time I see one of my fur babies. You will never know what unconditional love is until you have something that's only job in life is to make you happy. If you are looking to both expand your heart and your family, take a look at this place! They are doing great things for our fury friends. Don't deny yourself the love that it deserves! There is a fury friend or friends that are waiting just for you!

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."--Anatole France


The one where Shea finds balance

Nothing describes me perfectly than this right here: balance is hard! Snapchat filter's are life

Whatever diet exists, this girl has probably tried it. To this day, the sounds of beets about makes me lose my lunch because in middle school a diet fixated on beets as the main staple of living, seemed like a "diet" adventure both my Mom and I wanted to partake in. You name it, I've most likely done a bit of it one way or another.

This year I dubbed the year of trying "to find a perfect balance or let's try a few more 'diets'!"

January wrapped up with completing one of the most challenging diet fads of my life, Whole30. While it tested me on many levels and furthered my growth, realistically, for me, this is not something that I wanted to incorporate in my every day life.

February, I took a hard break as I was completely exhausted from the constant label searching, meal prepping and character building Whole30 provided me with. As I was nearing the end of February I knew I needed to start focusing on something I could sustain for the rest of my life. I signed up with Weight Watchers and consulted with a BeachBody coach; while I realized it felt as if I was grasping for straws to find that "miracle" solution, after further research I knew that both provided me with tools to instill success.

March, well as we near the end of March, I'm slowly (remember that turtle I referred to myself as) starting to get onboard with both the ideas of what I have learned through BeachBody and Weight Watchers. I'd also like to claim my prize as 4th time Weight Watchers patron (similar to: always a bridesmaid, never a bride); always a customer, never a loser (pun not intended--maybe).

--In case you needed permission: this last paragraph is the point where you judge me

Listen, I know what it takes to lose weight, I've once lost 83 pounds, but honestly, anyone can lose weight, but not everyone can be successful at losing weight. What's the difference you ask? Well losing weight is just that, losing weight. Being successful at losing weight, is being able to keep that lost weight off.

I will dive more into my previous weight loss stories (as I'm sure you are anxiously waiting at the edge of your seat) another time, but until then, this is how I become more like Oprah! Just because she does Weight Watchers, not because I have a lot of cars to give away (sorry Lisa)...cue disappointment music now (it sounds like elevator music, only sadder).

So here I am, standing at the end of March taking in Beachbody ideas, ready to be more like Oprah and hoping that through it all; I can find balance, you can find balance, we can all find balance!

The fun, I am told, is not in the destination, but the journey. This, all of this, is my journey! I, for one, am having a blast!

Tune in next week, where I tell you all about my delicious salads or as Kim and Hil deemed "shealads"...that wasn't supposed to be a thing, but a slip of the tongue and walla "shealads" is born! PS: I don't like salads, but "shealads", I LOVE!


" It's not too late to...ask yourself if you really are the person you want to be, and if not, who do you want to be."--Tuesdays with Morrie

Nothing Butta love for you all!

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