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  • SheaStyle

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Full Disclosure...

I am an overthinker by nature, so I wasn't sure how to write this as I didn't want to offend anyone because I know that Christmas can be somewhat of a "hot topic" after much consideration I decided since I have been somewhat MIA the past couple of weeks, I would like to do a Sheastyle Christmas segment. I respect and love all, so if you have some great stories of your families traditions and or things that are important to you, I would always love to hear them. So here goes, what this time of year means to me...


Keep Hope Alive

I love this time of year. The Crisp cool weather always has my inner child wishing for that big snow storm that leaves all my loved ones enveloped under the same roof where we can watch all the movies, drink hot cocoa and attempt a snowman if we so desire. I mean it never works out that way, but it’s the excitement that it can that leaves me full of joy when I hear the word snow.

This time of year means many things to everyone. To some it’s full of sadness, stress and craziness. To others it’s full of happiness, anticipation and excitement. To me, this time of year is magical. It’s like my heart starts projecting all the memories from Christmas past, similar to Clark Griswold in the attic in National Lampoons Christmas vacation.

Christmas Eve has always held a special place in my heart. When I was a kid, my Grandpa would take me on morning adventures visiting relatives or picking up things for our family feast. We’d pack in about 20 plus humans under one roof. The house would be filled with laughter, love and all the best feels. I think of those days often. While our family isn’t quite the size it used to be, the memories, love and all the feels still fill the day and my heart.

The beautiful thing about this time of year is hope is brought back to our hearts. We get so caught up in the mundaneness of every day life, we forget to be hopeful. Hope, I have found, is not a destination, it’s a feeling. And the best part of hope is it’s not consistent. It comes when you least expect it, sometimes from the smallest of things and often times when you need it the most. So while you’re searching for that perfect present or getting caught up in your to do lists, take a minute to really appreciate the excitement of this time of year. Dance in the memories, live in the moment, love the rarity of the togetherness and open your heart to those that need it a little more. This holiday season I wish you hope in your days, magic in your heart and the ability to believe even when it doesn’t quite seem possible.


Things that Make My Heart Happy This Holiday Season

The Lindas!!!

Did you know that Aldi's had Advent calendars for cheese, wine and chocolates? Yeah, neither did I! Two of my favorite humans decided to do a daily reveal and review of each of them and I seriously can't stop laughing! It's actually the highlight of my day; which means my day is that bad or these guys are that good; hint it's the latter! Also, they are exactly how they appear on the videos and my life is so much better because of them!! Take a watch and start from day 1, you won't be sorry!!


SNL Skits!!!

It wouldn't be Christmas without some of the funniest SNL skits! This is hands down one of my favorites!!!


Tune into Christmas!!!

I am sure you have already heard this song, especially if you follow me on Snapchat, but this song just gives me all the feels and the music video is even better (Thanks Mary, I made sure to watch it all-Good Ole Toby, he back)


The One Where Shea thinks about CHANGE...

I’m going to lose weight this year. I’m going to give up all the things. I’m going to be the best me I can possibly be. Who has said all of this? Who has made countless New Years Resolutions, only to be disappointed when December rolls around and not one thing you set out to do, has been accomplished. I know, I ride this train quite frequently. I know the harsh reality of not following through. I know the constant struggle of disappointing myself.

Next year is going to be different. Hahaha! The words just roll out like a timed response when thinking about what I want to do for 2020. If I have learned anything this last year, it’s giving up things are not what creates results. Am I the same me I was 365 days ago? I can honestly say no. Every day, I get the blessing to wake up and have my feet hit the floor, is a day I keep building on to the person that I was the day before.

I had posted a video in my Facebook group about changing yourself. It was quite interesting to listen to as I had never thought of “change” in this way before. Basically what it said was in order to get results, you have to change the person that you are! That whole concept is mind blowing to me as I’ve always said to everyone that I love, “don’t ever change, it’s exactly who you are that I love most about you.”. But thinking of change, it makes sense that we have to change a part of us in order to get the results we are looking for. For example: me eating 8 peanut butter balls every morning is going to result in the same ending. If I choose to eat 8 carrots instead of 8 peanut butter balls, I am changing a piece of my mind frame. That’s a very specific example, but in generalization, waking up, doing the same thing, day in and day out, will have your day end in the exact same way.

I’m filling my head with this food for thought because I do want 2020 to be different than my 2019. I want to come to December 17th, 2020 and see boxes checked on my to do list for the year. I don’t want to come to December 17th, 2020 and see things scribbled out and still waiting for them to be accomplished.

In a couple of weeks I am going to be doing my vision board. On this board will be a word that will describe my upcoming year. Last year my word was LOVE and quite honestly, I think I nailed it, but I didn’t succeed on some physical or maybe mental changes I wanted to have happen. So my word for 2020 is going to be CHANGE. I know in order to be the very best person that I can be, change needs to happen within me.

I hope that you are thinking about the next coming year. I hope that you are putting good thought in what it is that you would like to accomplish. I know that I have a lot of burning desires and I have a purpose that is bigger than where I’m at right now and something deep down inside me feels that 2020 is going to be that year. I wonder if this is how the caterpillar feels right before it emerges as a butterfly. Who knows, but I can't wait to find out!


"Christmas isn't a Season, it's a feeling."-Edna Ferber

Nothing Butta love for you all!

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