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  • SheaStyle

Growing Without Perfection

Bad days are a blessing...

How would our lives change if every day consisted of rainbows and sunshine? Would we dance differently if we never learned how to dance within the storms? Would we appreciate the good times less? Would we take advantage of the better times more?

Would we truly have the opportunity to grow into our best self if we didn't know the struggles, the heartbreak and errors of our ways?

Would we have the same laugh that we hold? Would we have the same love in our heart? What if every day was the most beautiful day we could ever ask for? Would it stunt our growth or aid in it?

I am not who I am without the bad days. I am not quirky, loveable and full of spunk because I was given the best days of my life. I am here because despite some bad days, I learned to love the good days better.

When a day lacks the smiles and hope that I need, I learned to become the smile and hope that others deserve. My bad days don't define the person that I am, they shape me into the person that I want to be. I cherish the bad days more than I do the good because without the bad days, this face would have no smile and smiling, smiling's my favorite!



Mr. Truman

OMG I wish that I could describe the love I have for this guy! This is Mr. Truman! We rescued him from the wonderful Grant County Humane Society and I don't know much about his past, other than his "birth" name was Soda. We didn't really care for his name and my son loves politics so he was named after our 33rd President, Harry Truman. Fun Filter has proudly nicknamed him PorkChop, it kind of stuck, so he's offically Truman PorkChop Shea, the coolest cat this side of the Mississippi.

This little guy, who is not so little anymore, was quite shy when we got him home. He would actually hide on us for days, these days he won't leave our side! I can not even begin to explain how incredibly happy this furry little friend of mine makes me. They say cat's will gravitate towards one person or the other as "their person"; I'm Truman's person and I couldn't be happier about it.

We rescued him because we lost our cat of over 17 years and I never expected him to take up as much room in my heart as he does, but I could notimagine life without this big ball of fur! If you can, always rescue an older cat, I promise, you will thank me!


  • Getting on the counter when you tell him not to

  • Following you around the house

  • Staring at you like he is going to murder you in your sleep

  • Purring so loud you can't hear the tv

  • My weighted blanket

  • He's quite smitten with me


  • Listening

  • Not sharing my weighted blanket

  • The blowdryer

  • His list of dislikes is very short, as he's a cat after my own heart and loves just about everything



Songs that get me pumped

One of my favorite things is making playlists. I make them for every mood that I might be in. I've discussed my lack of love for running, but often times to get myself pumped for working out and especially the dreaded run, I create a good playlist. I have found if I have a connection with the music I am listening to, my workouts are 10x better than if random songs are playing. So, while some days I might not feel like working out, if I have a good playlist waiting for me, I can rarely think of a reason not to. I hope you find a few good songs on my playlist that you can add to yours! (currently, it only let's me display a few of my songs, if you would like to see all of them and already a subscriber to Spotify, copy link below):





What makes you happy?! Are you doing more of that? Maybe you are struggling through some hard times, maybe you are looking for that little bit of rope to pull you up, maybe, just maybe, something in this section will be the hope that you are looking for; the key to unlock that happy.


When I am having a bad day, I like to listen to Podcasts. I actually hadn't started doing this until about a year ago, but I found this and it was a true blessing for me. I enjoy how she tells you like it is. She doesn't sugar coat the difficult subjects and she makes you really think about how you are feeling and why you might be feeling that way. She is that "friend" that doesn't tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. Pick a topic that you are struggling with and listen to her help you through it ... You will be surprised on how much it actually makes you think and helps you through some of those challenging times. I appreciate her view and spin on things. I hope you do too.


I will be talking about the gym a lot in my blog because it truly is a place that has helped me through some of my hardest days. I call this section, Finding the Perfect Balance, because I really am trying to find my perfect balance. I am typing this as I sit with cinnamon roll frosting in my hair, thinking about the gym and not one thing will accurately describe me better than that! I will be discussing my gym experiences in more detail later, but if you haven't given one a try, I highly suggest that you do. I will forever be an advocate for High Vibe and you will probably get sick of hearing me talk about it, but it is a place I look forward to every single day! If you want to try it out, hit me up, I promise it will be one of the best days of your life. Sometimes a road you never dreamed about taking, leads you to one of your best adventures! The gym is one of those instances for me!

"That little voice in your head that says 'buy the shoes'...that's the one to listen to!"

Hi, my name is Kelly and I have a shoe problem! "Hi Kelly."...hahaha. Shoes are my favorite. Honestly a couple of years ago I owned maybe four pairs, to this day, I probably own around 30+...yeah, let's go with that number! This brand and look are my newest obsession, I own them in this color, tan and black and if I didn't have such a big foot, I would have more colors. People have been asking me about them and they are called "Sperry Women's Crest Zone Sneaker" them, you can find them just about anywhere. Ahhhh shoes make me so happy!



What does the word "perfection" mean to you? Is it a certain size? A number on the scale? A score on a test? Having your life completely together? I think that we are all trying so desperately to achieve those "winning" moments of "perfection" that we forget that it is within our flaws, that we are put together "perfectly".

My imperfections, my flaws, my blemishes are the things that define the person that I am right now. The same goes for you! Too many times I have lost the person that I am because I was trying to achieve those small details that I thought was going to make me the person that I thought I needed to be. I was going to love myself when I got to a certain weight, or a specific pant size or when I got everything in my life to all align in all of the right ways. I was too busy trying to reach for the stars, I forgot to take the time and appreciate the "planet" that I was on. I was too busy being critical of the things that I wasn't, that I forgot to enjoy the things that I was.

Should we always strive to be a better person than we were yesterday? Absolutely! But in order to become a better person, we have to appreciate the person that we are, where we are at, at every moment of our growth. Take the time to appreciate all of the qualities that make up you. Reach for the stars, but don't forget who you are and why you are loved at this very moment. You aren't loved and respected for the person that you are going to be, you are loved and respected for the person that you are right now! Too often we are working so hard trying to be something that we are not that we forget that: perfection doesn't lie in the destination, it lies within the journey. Enjoy the journey!


Since I have decided to post my blog on Tuesdays and since I "self-proclaimed" it Tuesdays with Shea after the most amazing book Tuesdays With Morrie, I will end my blog with a great quote from that book, at least until I run out of quotes from it! "There is a reason God limits our days; to make each one precious."

Nothing Butta love for you all! (used to it yet?)

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