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  • SheaStyle

Self Worth requires more than just yourself

The story of your worth ..

I've been thinking about worth and the value that each and everyone of us hold. I remember reading something about money and it had an amazing lesson and as I was thinking about what it was that I read, this came to mind:

Take a dollar bill and consider its life journey. It starts out crisp, flat and the most colorful money can be. Along its journey it becomes torn, tattered, wrinkled and discolored. It travels the world, it sees the lowest of lows and experiences the highest of highs. The beauty of a dollar is that no matter what condition it is in, no matter where it has been, what its seen, it never loses its value. A dollar bill is always, a dollar bill. What's even more amazing is that those who don't need it, never understand it's worth and those that need it, fully comprehend everything it has to offer and appreciate all the value that it holds.

We are like this dollar bill. No matter what it is that we have been through, how unlovable we might feel; we never once lose our value. And just like that dollar bill the people who were meant to love us appreciate and understand all that we hold and those that don't quite need us in their life, will never understand all the value we possess.


National CAT day

I swear we just had one of these! Did the cats get a hold of our calendar and just change every day to cat day? Fine by me!! I love any good reason to brag about my fury friends!! We also have a black cat, but he's not photogenic and likes to pee on my he's just happy he has a home.



Celebrating Great Music

Kesha just released this song last Friday and I'm in love with it! It's a great workout song and just gives me good feels (the video is a little dark, but go Kesha)! Take a listen (disclaimer: there is a few bad words)...but so good!!


Kennedy's Korner

I took Kennedy to get her ear's pierced tonight and on the way home:

Me: My blog got so many shares last week that I had 264 views, that's like triple what I normally get!

Kennedy: It's because of Kennedy's Korner, you're welcome! I want 50 percent of the profits!

Me: Cool, I'm not great at math, but 50 percent of 0, I believe is still 0!

Hahaha! This is her on a normal! Always sarcastic and full of love!

This last weekend we went to watch her brother bowl on the High School bowling team (yeah, we were just as surprised as you are that they have one) at Sunset Lanes. We decided to eat there so Kennedy could give one of her raving reviews. We ordered the three choice sampler where we got mini tacos, pretzel bites and cheese curds. I ordered BBQ chicken pizza and both Fun Filter (reminder this is my husband's nickname) and Kennedy ordered cheeseburgers. As Fun Filter says "you judge a good restaurant on how good their burger is"...apparently Kennedy has the same philosophy. After a half the burger had been eaten she looked at me and said "10/10!"...of course Fun Filter being the well Fun Filter, said "Wait, if you give this a 10/10, that's going to be some pretty high standards for the rest of your critiques." After much debate, she looked at me and said "9.5/10". So Sunset Lanes in little old Dickeyville, Wisconsin won the heart of my sarcastic, lovable daughter. She said she can't wait to go back eat the food and yes even watch her brother bowl, the only disappointment she had that day was that the bowling team didn't do "finger push ups" as their warm up like she was envisioning.



StudiOlivia Photography

I brought back this segment because I couldn't wait to RAVE about the great job StudiOlivia Photography does!!

A couple of weeks ago, my son got his Senior pictures taken...ahh yes it's that time in a parent's life that they start to get way too sentimental and sappy. I can't even begin to tell you how incredible they turned out. As I was looking through them I was just in awe of how perfectly his personality was captured. Who knew downtown Platteville could look so good, it may be the model, it may be the photographer, but either way, the photos are SUBERB!!

Thank you Olivia for being the best and making it difficult to decide which of the images I am going to display in my home!

If you are looking to have photos taken of any sort, look no further, check out Facebook: StudiOlivia Photography or click the link below


The One Where Shea Doesn't think like Shea...

I'm human and have insecurities just like everyone else. Sometimes they are tucked deep down and sometimes they rise above the surface without any of my control. I don't think my insecurities lessen my value or make me invaluable, but I do believe that they are annoying and can block my growth and cause problems in some relationships I truly adore.

I've talked several times that I believe that we would view ourselves differently if we could see ourselves through the eyes of the people we love. I read a book a couple of weeks ago and it gave an activity for readers to do. It said, write a letter to yourself from someone you care about. How would they describe you? What do you think you mean to them? I have to be honest, I haven't done this activity yet because the thought of what might be said about me brought too many tears to my eyes and I wasn't quite ready for that waterfall of emotions to make it's appearance when I attempted to write it. I will write it one day, but as I'm thinking about it, I understand that I am loved and appreciated more than I sometimes feel.

While insecurities can be dangerous to our self worth, I think if we really take the time to understand that the feelings that we have for others can be felt about us, we will slowly start to understand all that we hold. Maybe the next time I am down, I will pick up that pen and paper and start writing from a loved one's perspective, I am not sure that it will be as challenging as I think, but I do know it will create more tears than I'm ready to shed because deep down in my heart, I know I'm never as bad as my mind tells me I am.

Remember to be kind to yourself. Know that you are never required to be "perfect" and always remember that you are loved more than you will ever know. I bet if you picked up that pen and paper and started writing from a loved one's perspective, you'd be surprised at all the goodness that flowed and how easily the words come because I bet in your heart you know how amazing you are too!

"Sometimes you must forget what you feel and remember what you deserve."-Anonymous

Nothing Butta love for you all!

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