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  • SheaStyle

Won't You Be My Neighbor

Be Kind, Rewind...

Dust off your cardigan because tomorrow is World Kindness Day and we are going to channel our inner Mister Rogers. If you’ve never had the chance to watch his documentary or read one of his books, put it at the top of your to do list because, like him, they will leave you feeling the best about exactly who you are. Honestly this couldn't have come at a better time because for me, just like some of you, I am very hard on myself. I expect, even though I know it’s impossible, for me to be perfect in all that I do. When I don’t meet those expectations or fall very short of them, I deem myself very unlovable. I asked the question to one of my amazing people “How can I care less or feel as deep as I do without losing the person that I am.” their incredible response “YOU don’t, that’s what makes you, you.” I took that time to reflect on all the people in my life and what it is it that I love about them and not one of those things requires them to be perfect. In actuality what I love about them is everything that they are, so why would I require something different from myself? I wish sometimes I didn’t get hurt so easily or that one small thing wouldn’t unleash a bucket full of tears, but I know these small details are what make up the greater part of me. Why do I bring this up the day before World Kindness Day you ask? Or maybe you didn't, but I'm going to tell you anyways, I say with a smile! Being kind isn't just to your neighbor or to your friends, kindness needs to happen from the inside, out! We are allowed to falter. We are allowed some days to just exist. We are allowed to feel happy, sad, glad, mad and everything in between. It's okay to get frustrated in how you may have acted or ways you didn't fulfill a hope or dream, but the thing that is not okay is putting the ideas in your head that you aren't worth the love of yourself and others because you view yourself as less than. Everything that makes up you will never be duplicated or recreated and that is your gift to this wonderful world. I know it's hard to get out of that mindset of feeling unworthy, but the next time you do, ask yourself, would you talk to someone you love like you are talking to you right now? If the answer is no, rewind, show some compassion and remember to be kind to you because when we learn to be kind to ourselves we understand even more how to be kind to others.

"There is no normal life that is free of pain. It's the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth."-Mister Rogers

Today's blog is going to feature everything about Mister Rogers because I believe in the amazing man that he was and the incredible gift he gave to this world. I don't think he had a cat, so the cat section will be put on hold until next week!



Celebrating Great Music

While this isn't my typical music video, it is definitely something that brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart! It's a great compilation of some of his amazing words and wisdom.



It's Just What I Needed

I'm going to be honest, I wasn't going to do this weeks blog because I just couldn't get my mind focused on seeing the good in my day. We are allowed to listen to music at work, so I decided instead of music, I'll listen to a book instead. I typed in Mister Rogers and found this incredible book. It was just what I was looking for. I am a third of the way done with it, but it will be a book I will go back and listen to when I am feeling down. If you would like a positive perspective on life open it up or take a listen, you won't be sorry!

Postively You: Discovering the Very Best of You in the Sheaest of Ways

I'm no Mister Rogers, but I created this group awhile ago because I wanted a place for people to turn to if they are having a bad day or maybe needed a little deep thought to turn their mindset around. It's a scaled down version of my blog and I try my very best to post something heartfelt once a day. If you enjoy my blog and would like a little more of what it has to offer click this link or search by the title above on Facebook.


The One Where Shea Listens to Mister Rogers...

Who's sick of me saying "Mister Rogers"?...hahaha! For those of you that don't know, I wear my heart on my sleeve and it really is a blessing and a curse. People find it hard to believe that I have bad days and that I too get caught up in my head. Those of you that are "blessed" enough get to see all sides of me, get to see my struggles first hand, something I am not always proud of. Too often we in-humanize people because we look up to them in one way or another or they appear to have their "sh*t" together, forgetting that they are humans just like us. I know this because I have done it with some of the people that I love and respect.

I always preach kindness because it is something that I truly believe can change not only the lives of all that we touch, but it also has the power to change the world. Not only tomorrow do we need to practice kindness, but every single day. We need to learn to lean on each other, love one another and be more understanding of the people that we are. Kindness doesn't have to cost a thing, it just needs to be given from the heart.

Tomorrow, I want you to slip on your favorite cardigan and be mindful of all of the kindness you are putting out into this World. I want you to notice how good it feels and how much it impacts the lives of all you touch. I want you to remember that feeling and do it the next day and the next. What I want you to do even more is take a look in the mirror and be kind to the person staring back at you. I want you to be mindful of your beautiful smile, the way your eyes light up when you think about how "dumb" of an exercise this is. I want you to notice your laugh, the funny quirks that you have. That crooked tooth that no one else has. I not only want you to see all that is visible to the eye, but I want you to see that beautiful heart that is tucked within. I want you to remember everything that it is about you, that makes you, you. I want you to place your hand over your heart and think about all the people, the circumstances, the situations that have gotten you exactly where you are. I want you to thank them and then I want you to thank you. Thank yourself for the gift you give each and every one of us. You are a rarity. You are amazing and not one person will ever be exactly who you are. When you are done looking at yourself, turn off the light, go outside into this great big world and remember that you have it in you to change the world, that change can be as simple as you being you. When we realize the gift within ourselves, we help others find the gifts within themselves and all that takes is a little kindness.


"We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of telling the world who we are."-Mister Rogers

Nothing Butta love for you all!

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