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  • SheaStyle

Write a Story Worth Telling

The Story Had Just Begun...

She picked up the book and blew off the cover. As she skimmed the pages, she looked for the familiar words of all that she was. She didn't realize that when she picked up the book again, the story changed. The title was the same, but the story within was brand new. As she turned the pages, all that she saw were blank pages; there were no pictures, no words and no feelings. The faster she turned, the more she realized that the blank pages didn't signify that nothing has happened, they reminded her that everything and anything could happen. The more she stared at the blank pages, the more she understood that this is what it's like to start over, to write the story she's always wanted to write. She reached for it looking for familiarity and what she found was that the book was filled with hopes, dreams all that she ever wanted to be. The deeper she looked at the pages, the more she understood that this is the perfect opportunity to fill the pages not with just the ordinary, but the extraordinary. She took the pen and she began to write, she began to reinvent herself and it was in that moment she began to live. She would savor every word, every character, every high and every low. She knew that the book before would not be forgotten, but a reminder that what she is given is a gift. When she grabbed that book, she thought her story had ended, what she found is that her story had just begun.

Each page is a brand new day. Each chapter is a month. Each book is a moment in our life, where we decide to change direction, to reinvent ourselves, to savor the lessons that we have learned, the people that we have met and the life that we are given. We rise, we fall, we are sometimes stagnant and sometimes we grow beyond our wildest dreams, but every day we are given the pen to write our own story. Sometimes we have to stare at the blank pages for several days, months or even years before we have the courage to write one of the best stories of our life. It is just when we think that our story is over, that we are given an opportunity to write again. Never settle, never think that where you are is where you need to be. If you are unhappy, do those things that make you happy. If you think that there is more to life than where you are at, find a new direction of where you want to go. Always remember you are the author of your own story, make it a real page turner!



Flash the cat

This is our cat Flash, we clearly enjoy our fair share of superheroes! We rescued him from the Dubuque County Humane Society and he rescued us from a broken heart after we had to say goodbye to one of our favorite cats Bubba! Flash, is my daughter Kennedy's cat and my husband's favorite cat because as he says "He's just a cat, he's not needy, he is not demanding, he doesn't pee on our carpet (I'll get to that later), he just exists." I like to describe Flash as a clueless friend, no matter what is going on, he just has that look like he doesn't understand, is in shock and just doesn't care. Forever grateful for this guy!


  • Crying to be let into Kennedy's room when she is in there

  • Crying to be let out of Kennedy's room

  • All the cat treats

  • Fresh Laundry

  • Sleeping, so much sleeping

  • Crying at the door thinking Kennedy is in the house, finding out she isn't home at all

  • Any and all food (a cat after my own heart)


  • Closed doors



Celebrating Great Music

My favorite day is Friday! Why? You ask...because it's the day when new music is released and it seriously is better than Christmas for me! This song is so beautiful and it's been on a constant repeat in my car and at work. Plus, it features two of the greatest Judah & The Lion and Kacey Musgraves! I hope that you enjoy the simplicities of the video and the wonderful harmony that entwines the lyrics and instruments, with a difficult subject of letting a relationship go. It has no underlying meaning to me, I just really appreciate that difficult subjects create beautiful music. This song is a great example of that!





What is happy? Is it a state of being or is it a feeling? Happiness, I believe is relevant and changes depending on the person. What may make me happy, might not make you happy and vice versa. Below are those things that I would describe bring me happiness! Sometimes it's within what I share that makes my heart happy, that it may trigger something in your heart to make you happy too!

Wearing your heart on your sleeve...

One of my favorite things to do is find companies that have a good product and a great purpose. Lokai is one of those companies for me. I have purchased 5 bracelets so far (I only wear one because my daughter stole the other ones from me) and I love the product and the message even more. Each bracelet has a white bead infused with water from Mt Everest, the highest point on Earth... "Sometimes you're on top. Stay humble." and a black bead that carries mud from the dead sea, the lowest point on Earth..."Sometimes you've hit a low. Stay hopeful." 10% of their proceeds benefit the organization that the bracelet is representing and there are bracelets representing anything from Multiple Sclerosis to Animal Rescues and some you can even chose which organization you would like the money to go towards. Go check it out and get yours today!


I am always looking for good things to watch that my whole family would enjoy! This is one of those instances! A great show and even better soundtrack. A show that, in my opinion, is done extraordinarily well! I couldn't wait until the end of the day when we got to sit down and watch it, only to not watch one, but several episodes at a time. We were all very sad when we completed it, it had us longing for more! "If you believe in yourself, just once, great things are gonna happen for you." -Vanya

"I want to be the girl with the most cake"...

Baking is one of my favorite things to do, mostly because I enjoy the reward when it's completed. I made this recipe a couple of weeks ago for the first time and to this day, I have made it 10x. For my family, for my friends and yup just for me because I enjoy eating. Here is a tasty treat that I hope you and others enjoy ...




I really do like to write. It's probably been a passion of mine for some time. I would write a lot growing up and unfortunately I did not save any of the poems that I wrote because when I looked at them, I thought that was a vulnerable side of me that no one wanted to see. Older and maybe a little wiser, I understand that sometimes our words that we have are ones that others want to or maybe even need to hear. I've started dabbling a little more in writing poems and this is the first real one I have come up with in some time. I hope that you enjoy and maybe, if I'm lucky, comforted by my words.

If You Could See Yourself the Way I See You

We see your smile and we smile back

You have a beauty that stops us in our tracks

The room lights up every time you step in

Not just by how you look on the outside, but all you hold within

You don't know the greatness that you are by just being you

If only you could see yourself the way that we do

Those pesky demons in your head that put you down

They don't know you like we do, just take a look around

That person who's afraid to talk to you because you are everything they want to be

Your loved ones that think the world of you, no matter what you might see

Take a step back, look in the mirror and be proud of you

And be reminded of all the amazing you are and look at you, the way that we do

You don't have to have all good days, you can have some bad

You don't have to be happy all of the time, in fact it's okay to be sad

Just don't let those feelings of negativity consume your head

Push them bad thoughts out and reach for a hand instead

There's always someone there waiting just for you

To remind you of who you are and all that you do

To our hearts, to our lives, to our mind and to our soul

Without you in our world, we would be left with an empty hole

I tell you today the person that you are, are not always the thoughts in your mind

Too often they are doubtful, harsh and so very unkind

The person that you are, the person that I see

Is someone that I'm so very thankful helps make me, me

So take the time to look at you and be proud of the person that you are

Because in our lives, in our world, you are a very bright star

We love you, we care about you, we think that you are the best

Tell that to your mind the next time you are upset

It's sometimes hard to understand the impact you have on the people that you meet

But remember there is always someone there to help you back up on your feet

The person that you are, your heart, your mind and the things that you do

Are all the things we think of, respect and love every time we see you

"If you're trying to show off for the people at the top, forget it. They will look down at you anyhow. And if you're trying to show off for the people at the bottom, for it. They will only envy you. Status will get you nowhere. Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone."--Tuesdays with Morrie

Nothing Butta love for you all! ( I know it makes you smile)

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